Thursday, August 30, 2007

First Day of School!

It finally arrived -- the first day of kindergarten! Nathan and I were very excited and eager get started on this phase of his public education. He had a wonderful day and loved it. "How was it?" I asked. "Excellent" he replied.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Early August Sprinkler Runs

It was a very hot day. We set up the sprinkler in the backyard and our neighbor friend Chris joined us to cool off.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Swimming Lessons

Nathan is making great progress in the Tadpole 2 class at our local pool. He can stick his head (all of it!) under water for the count of 3 alligators. With the help of the teacher, he does front and back kicks. And tonight he picked up a ring underneath the water! I can't get very good pictures of him because they make the parents watch from the outside (part of modern swim education theory). But here's a glimpse: