Sunday, September 7, 2008


Turns out this blog is mostly about Nathan. Not really surprising, I guess - I enjoy showing friends near and far his pictures and keeping everyone updated on his growth. The feedback I get suggests others like seeing his smiling face and reading of our adventures.

As for me, I've been spending time on Facebook. There's an interesting article in the NY Times today describing social scientists take on Facebook and introducing the concept of ambient awareness. If refers to a way of keeping in touch with your friends (and anyone, really) by following their updates and picking up on their moods digitally, either online, via text messages, and so on. It's also described as "microblogging" -- posting tiny updates on what you're doing. Twitter is another tool for this, but I haven't gotten into it yet (!).

So if you have a Facebook account, be sure to "friend" me so we can share some ambient intimacy!


I ran across this great YouTube clip that perfectly captures my work habits. Today is Sunday and classes start tomorrow. I'm teaching the undergrad theory (again), a proseminar to grad students, and a teaching seminar to grad students. I've yet to complete the 3 syllabi... And guess what I'm doing today? Laundry, of course!